Dear Colleagues!
Scientific journal “Modern European Researches” announces
International Conference “Theory and Practice of Modern Science” (November 7-8, 2016).
The objective of the Conference is to promote transnational cooperation and share good practice in the field of innovation for science.
TPMS is an excellent opportunity for the presentation of previous and current projects in the science field. Authors are approved to post original research on any appropriate topics.
Location: Austria, Salzburg
Type: distance (offline)
Languages: English, Russian
Important dates
Deadline: November 4, 2016
EVENT DATE: November 7-8, 2016
Electronic copy of collected theses – November 30, 2016
Printed copy of collected theses and name certificates of participation will be sent till December 20, 2016
Your advantages
No expenses for a trip and hotel stay
Low cost price of publishing services
Free certificate of participation
Sections of conference
A. History and Archeology.
B. Economics.
C. Philosophy, Socia and Political sciences and Jurisprudence.
D. Language Study, Art and Culture Sciences.
E. Medicine and Psychology.
F. Education.
All theses of the conference will be published in “Modern European Researches” journal with Austrian ISBN and output data of the Austrian organizer. The issue will be in open access on journal’s web-site.
Electronic copy of conference issue and output data will be sent to the authors by email. Printed copy of conference issue and name certificate of participation will be sent to the authors by post.
Participation in the conference and publication of thesis (1-4 pages) - 14 €
Name certificate of participation - free
Printed copy of collected theses, including postage - 7 €
Thesis should be 1-4 pages long typed in MS Office Word with the following text layout: fields - 2 sm, Arial type, type size 12 t.p., line-spacing metric – single, indention – 1 sm, alignment – page width.
Thesis structure:
1. Introduction;
2. Materials and Methods or Methodological Framework;
3. Results;
4. Discussions;
5. Conclusion;
6. Recommendations.
Thesis arrangement:
1 line – full name, second name and surname of the author.
2 line – academic degree, position, organization, city, contact e-mail.
3 line – title.
4 line – abstract.
5 line – key words (4 words or phrases, divided by commas).
6 line, etc. – text of thesis.
Last line - list of references after the word ‘References’.
To become the conference participant you should fill in the registration form on the web-site.