№4 / 2016 download
Svetlana Belik, Zita Avetisyan , Oleg Maksimov, Aleksey Kvasov, Gita Vanyan INTERRELATION OF BIOCHEMICAL AND PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF STUDENTS WITH THE LEVEL OF VEGETATIVE REGULATION OF THEIR ORGANISM // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 5-12.
The purpose of our work was studying of interrelation of the level of vegetative regulation of students’ organism with their biochemical and psychophysiological parameters, and also success of education in higher education institution. The established interrelations between the existence of syndrome of vegetative dysfunction (SVD) and the degree of its intensity with indicators of health, of well-being, a psychoemotional state and workability of students allow to recommend the questionnaire method of identification of SVD in mass hygienic researches for the characteristic of the level of general nonspecific disadaptation of various groups of the population.
Elena Bavykina, Svetlana Gushina, Tatyana Koretskaya CAREER COMPETENCES // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 13-21.
The prevailing factor in career development is education. Before higher educational institutions students should – give an enormous task necessary knowledge and abilities which they will use in case of the solution of the tasks set for them to provide career development. Young specialists even during training of an institution shall be sure of educational that their intellectual potential will be demanded. At them it shall be well created requirement to self-realization and self-expression. The research purpose consists in development of the methodical tools aimed at assessment of career competences of the personality. The leading approach in case of a research of this problem it is chosen competence-based as it is not only the leader now, but also promotes more complex studying of professional activity of the individual. In article the sociological problem of career development of the personality is considered and the main component of this process are career competences. Availability of career of the worker partially depends on the level of their formation. Objective assessment of this phenomenon is necessary for the correct career development. Results of the provided research can serve as material for evaluating at the entities for the purpose of identification of the worthy applicant for a post.
Tatyana A. Fedotova MODERN MECHANISM OF LABOR MARKET FUNCTIONING // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 22-29.
The paper deals with the concept “labor market” as an economic system. The author defines the basic elements of the labor market mechanism. The relevance of the problem is caused by the problem of effective labor market functioning in conditions of lack effective mechanisms. The purpose of the paper is to define the main elements and components of the labor market mechanism. The leading approach to the problem is analytical-research approach. The paper views conditions and basic elements of labor market according to the labor demand-offer model (labor, competition, offer, demand and price). The author analyzes pricing factors of labor, influence of the labor market mechanism on volumes of offer and demand. The labor market mechanism is viewed as the unity of two components: spontaneous regulators of labor offer and demand and the regulating influence of the government on its state. The paper can be useful for practical activities in increasing efficiency of the modern labor market mechanism and in traffic control of labor at the state and regional levels.
Alina Glagoleva, Olga Nikolaevna Kobtseva INDICATIVE MANAGEMENT IN ECONOMIC MANAGEMENT OF THE MUNICIPALITY (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE CAUCASIAN REGION OF KRASNODAR KRAI) // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 29-39.
Relevance of the chosen subject is caused by the increasing interest in a role of indicative planning in management of economy. The purpose of article consists in studying of theoretical aspects of indicative planning, and also in studying of this type of planning on a concrete example. The leading approach to a research of this problem is studying of the regulatory base and the analysis of statistical information. Specification of the Order of development of the indicative plan of social and economic education the Caucasian area, and also expansion of the Investments group in indicative development plans for the Caucasian area by introduction of new indicators, such as "Commissioning of objects of the social sphere", "Construction in progress" and "Volume of construction and surveying works" is offered. This article has value for the regions introducing indicative planning in the activity, and also for those subjects which already in the practice work with system of planning and indicators.
Inna G. Ivanova, Anastasia Guba WAYS TO IMPROVE THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE MARKET ECONOMY // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 40-46.
The paper deals with the ways of improving the enterprise competitiveness in the market economy.
Nina Guslyakova, Alla Guslyakova THE PROBLEM OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FUTURE TEACHER’S PROFESSIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 46-54.
The article focuses on the problem of the development of the future teacher’s professional consciousness. The findings of the research on the professional consciousness at the stage of the teacher’s vocational training at the university are presented. A hierarchical system of psychological mechanisms optimizing the process of the development of the future teacher’s professional pedagogical consciousness are defined during the experiment.
Lada Yu. Lichman ANTHROPOCENTRIC CONTEXT OF LINGUISTIC COMPETENCE // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 55-61.
The paper focuses on some aspects of linguistics and language education, associated with a anthropocentric ideologeme as the educational dominant of the European social cultural, social linguistic and economic space. Introducing a competency-based approach in education is noted to have synchronized with a grave crisis experienced by modern Western civilization. Military, terrorist threats and mass exodus turn to searching for effective mechanisms to stabilize the situation inter alia in education. In this regard, a lot of social and economic problems are established to remain undetermined while implementing a competency-based approach, that is indicative of difficulties faced by the educational community while setting a new educational paradigm. The main reason for the adverse trends is assumed to be in missing the point of the superconcept "human competence", forming the conceptual core of a competency concept sphere. In this context, and relating to language education there are analyzed some aspects of so called generative doctrine which has been created since antiquity and currently cultivated (Heraclitus, Isocrates, Humboldt, Heidegger, Chomsky); there are substantiated the notion that a human essence / competence is directly correlated with the essence of language. At the same time, it is stated that many simple issues in linguistics remain unexplained. Prospects for further development of competency-based approach in language education is conditioned by the extension of an anthropological trend and the awareness of the linguistic competence concept as a semantic centre of "human competence".
To provide qualitatively new growth of economy is possible through increase of labor productivity, increase in competitive investments, growth of the capital. It can be achieved through technological progress, decrease in production costs, stabilization of financial market and reduction of the state participation in business. It demands from the economic subject to adopt weighed decisions on capital budgeting defining efficiency of all foreign trade project. The paper approaches to justify strategic decisions while assessing the alternative investments on projects, which are objects of capital rationing, based on both the NPV, and tools of Markov processes.
Marina Mikhailova OXYMORONS OF SEMANTICS OF INEXPRESSIBLE // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 71-76.
The functional-semantic category of inexpressible in Russian discourse is characterized in the article, its paralogical nature is shown; the oxymorons as frequent means of expression of this category are studied. The oxymoron to express the inexpressible is described, its interlingual and intertextual nature, the existence in the philosophical and artistic discourses at different times in different countries.
Marina Mileyeva SUCCESSFUL HEURISTIC ATTEMPTS TO TEACH UNCONVENTIONALLY // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 77-81.
The paper concerns the methodology problems in teaching English to chemical students in connection with the Bologna process. Several popular foreign educational techniques are described, a heuristic approach being proposed as an example of integrating novation. A specially designed country-specific quest is presented.
Sergey Nezdoyminov , Olga Shykina PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST FLOW IN UKRAINE // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 82-90.
The article deals with the structure of tourist flow in Ukraine. The place of Odessa region among other administrative and territorial units of Ukraine by types of tourism was discovered. The article gives a detailed analysis of the essence and significance of cruise tourism to the economy of the state. The low efficiency of the implementation of cruise business development programs and maritime infrastructure modernization were due to insufficient inflow of investments related to the unfavorable investment climate in Ukraine. Analysis of factors and general market tendencies, which influence the state of tourism flow, will offer economic instruments for regional tourism and recreation sphere development stimulation create directions of regional strategies for attraction of tourists.
The relevance of the studied problem is caused by need to organize a system-activity approach for studying the subject “the Holocaust”. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the role of practical training at the lessons of history and social science at the Russian educational organizations and in the system of professional development of teachers. The leading research approach of the problem is the principle of active tolerance. The author considers the system of practical tasks, gives an example of practical work and concludes about high efficiency of practical training for studying the Holocaust topic. The materials of the paper can be useful to teachers of social and humanitarian cycle and teachers, methodologists of the system of professional development of teachers.
Tatyana Portnova THE RUSSIAN BALLET IN SYNCRETISM OF ART CULTURE OF THE SILVER AGE // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 99-104.
The paper reveals the role of the Russian ballet in the system of cultural era of the XIX-XX centuries. The purpose is to define orientation of development of interaction between domestic choreography and art-figurative interpretation its synthetic whole against the difficult, inconsistent processes proceeding at critical stages of the Russian culture. The study is based on the available visual material of archival and museum funds. The aspect of the art criticism analysis including consideration of diverse options of synthesis of the ballet and plastic arts is the prevailing research method. Inclination of fine arts to "ballet charcter" and aspiration, characteristic for the Russian choreography on a turn of the centuries lean on images of painting, graphics and sculpture are two sides of the uniform process. In this context, the "Russian ballet" of S. Diaghilev's enterprise sated with expressive plastic spectacular figurativeness carried out a role of a bright frame of the finishing period of the Russian Silver age.
Gennady A. Senkevich FAMILY AND MARRIAGE IN VLADIMIR VYSOTSKY'S CREATIVITY // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 105-113.
The paper deals with the problems of the Soviet family as a specific social institute, its relation to the general social orders and the state through a prism of Vladimir Vysotsky’s outlook (outstanding Russian poet of the 60s of the XX century). The relevance of the problem is caused by the need of judgment of Vladimir Vysotsky’s views on a family and marriage in relation to the social environment of an era of the so-called developed socialism, when these concepts were considered from the point of view of the Soviet ideological system. The basis of the system was the judgment that marriage together with a private property has to disappear, giving way to the establishments, more harmonic with fundamental data of sex nature. When a man is exempted from need to earn money, love has to be exempted from all material traps profaning it. Socialism promises not only social guarantees (welfare for all), but also general happiness in love. The purpose of the paper is to study a separate segment of the poet’s works refuting this theory. He was a person not accepting the socialist ideology constructed on the belief in bright future and not having under itself any real basis. In his understanding family and marriage in totalitarian society is a full hopelessness and continuous restrictions of the rights and freedoms - both the certain citizen, and a family as a part of society in general. However, the Soviet men and women understood their main social function. The analysis of verses devoted to family and marriage is the leading method of the research. The main result of the research contains in destruction of a stereotype about the brutal relation of Vysotsky to family and. The author claims that Vysotsky considered marriage and family as the social phenomenon, despite the used sharp stylistic art means. These means are not tools for creation the atmosphere of apathy and hopelessness; but they are particles of vital force, which gave optimism and hope for the better life to millions of his compatriots.
Alexander Suleymanov "BIG TERROR" AND THE RESEARCH OF THE RUSSIAN ARCTIC: SCIENTIFIC SEARCHES AND TRAGEDY OF DESTINIES // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 113-120.
The relevance of the problem is caused by an escalating role of the Arctic for world development and need of profound scientific study and discussion of historical experience of development of the region. The purpose of the paper is to reconstruct the overall picture of carrying out "Big terror" concerning the scientists researching the Russian Arctic. The leading approach to the research is the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity and systemacity, use of a number of special methods of historical knowledge. The author reveals the main events in the history of Northern scholars repressions and defines the "Big terror" consequences for scientific studying of the Russian Arctic. The paper can be useful to studies on history of political repressions in Russia and the Arctic, special courses for students of higher educational institutions.
The relevance of the studied problem is caused by change of theoretical bases of functioning of the print media, which are subject to privatization in connection with reconsideration of their role in the Ukrainian society. The purpose of the paper is to study these processes as there is an actual requirement to define specifics of social transformations, in which the press develops. That has serious prerequisites for a specification of a paradigm of its functioning in mono- and multifunctional media spaces. The analysis of change of social-political and social-creative paradigms is the leading research method that allows to build hierarchy of preferences of reader's audience, to staticize change of concepts of formation and transformation of typological structure of the reformed mass media in connection with their commercialization. There is reconsideration of their place in system of the market relations to create steady convergent model allowing to provide realization of constitutional right of people on receiving reliable information. The main result of the research is development of concrete recommendations to create this model taking into account scientific theories and practical advice of media specialists. The paper can be useful for students studying journalism, editors and managers of the reformed editions.
Svetlana L. Suvorova FUNCTIONAL MAP OF A PROFESSION: PROBLEMS OF MODELING // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2016. - №4. - P. 129-135.
The article deals with the questions of modeling of a functional map of the profession, which includes a main objective of the profession and contains all the basic functions and function modules. The focus is on the modeling procedure of the functional maps based on competencies. The article presents some examples of modeling of functional map of the profession "Teacher".
Considered an integrated approach to the development of technology concentrated training of students of pedagogical specialities in continuing education. Disclosed the contents of technology concentrated training. Regularities, pedagogical conditions and factors of the process of formation of professional culture of the future specialist. Identified common and individual indicators and levels of articulation of the general cultural and professional competence of students. Set dependencies between the articulation of general cultural level: competences from the influence of education Wednesday; General cultural level and professional competence of pedagogical conditions influence the educational College-University cluster; level of professional competencies of professional exposure Wednesday during the internship students.
Article was prepared within the framework of the research project No. RSSF supported 16-16-18003