№4 / 2019 download
Valentina Botner, Gennady A. Senkevich TIME-SPACE SPECIFICITY OF H.LUPYNOS’S IMAGINATIVE WORLD // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №4. - P. 4-11.
The multidimensional category of time-space (chronotop) contributing to the holistic perception of the author’s world picture has been subject to numerous interpretations resulting in a set of definitions and classifications of the types of fictional time and space. These contributions serve as a background for further investigations focused on the works of modern Ukrainian authors such as Hanna Lupynos, a Zaporizhzhyan writer well-known for her wide range of expression. The aim of this article is to examine the specificity of time-space structure in H.Lupynos’s writings.
The research correlates with the definitions of chronotop coined by many foreign and Ukrainian scientists (J.Derrida, R.Barthes, J.Kristeva, M.Bakhtin, O.Kyskin, V.Korkishko, N.Kopystianska). Scholars agree that, due to chronotop’s ability to influence human conscience in terms of axiology and other major structuralizing systems, the concept of chronotop couldn’t be limited to the idea of “the period of action”, i.e. time-space coordinates of the plot. The problem under consideration requires complex methodology comprising general scientific and empirical methods (theoretical, comparative, psychological, receptive ones) to enable better understanding of the author’s message within the context of existing literary traditions and scientific theories.
The article proves that H.Lupynos’s poetry is marked by a specifically postmodern chronotop defined through an ambivalent time-space relations and represented through a wide range of poetic devices to demonstrate the multidimensionality of human existence. The specificity of the author’s chronotop (as a form of modelling the so-called time-space chaos) serves as one of the most prominent markers of her literary style distinguished by a variety of temporalities and intended to replace classical time and space concepts with an idea of psychological time-space heavily dependent on the reader’s reception. The results of the research can be incorporated into high school courses in the History of Ukrainian Literature of the turn of the XXI century, advanced courses, course books etc.
Olga B. Vergazova THE METHOD OF THE GOLDEN SECTION AND ANCIENT RUSSIAN SAZHENS // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №4. - P. 11-18.
The relevance of the problem is due to the need for the establishment and development of the future engineer professional culture. The purpose of the article is to emphasize the role of interdisciplinary relations in higher technical school as one of the factors that forms the professional competences of the future specialist, as well as the factor that increases the motivation of learning. In general, the results of experimental work allow us to approve of the proposed content for seminars, additional individual work in order to provide professional and motivating training of students of technical and mathematical specialties. The article may be interesting for teachers, instructors of mathematics, University and high school students.
Valida S. Dzhabrailova, Oksana V. Rybakova ON NEOLOGISMS STATUS IN THE BULK OF A LANGUAGE // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №4. - P. 19-22.
The article attempts to theoretically comprehend the factors that influence the existence of the lexical units of a language in the status of neologism. New words regularly appear in the bulk of a language thus for a qualitative analysis of the current state of the vocabulary and its development trends, it is necessary to identify a number of characteristics that distinguish neologism from a nonce words. The authors note that there is no consensus among linguists both regarding the definition of the concept of “neologism” and in identifying the criteria for neologicity. However, they come to a number of conclusions, in particular, that taking into account a number of parameters, such as temporal, lexicographic, personal; it is possible to implement a comprehensive approach to determining the neological status of the lexical unit of a language.
The author made an attempt to analyze the stages of the emergence, formation and development of the right to appeal in Russia, which allowed the following periodization. Stage I (end of the 15th century - the 17th century) - the institution of conversion under the estate-representative monarchy. Stage II (XVII century, XIX century) - the active development of the institution of appeals, the beginning of which is associated with the period of absolute monarchy (extensive legislative base; bureaucratization of the process of appeals. Stage III (1905 - 1917) - the institution of appeals during the dualistic monarchy (the appearance of orders from voters to representatives in the State Duma; the right to appeal to all classes; an increase in the number of appeals; taking into account the appeals of citizens when making important state decisions).Stage IV (1918 - 1991), the institution of appeals at the Soviet stage of development of the state (work with citizens' appeals was characterized by the collection of various information from citizens, control of all government bodies and should contribute to the construction of a new Soviet state; the concept of “right to appeal” appeared) . Stage V (from 1991 to present) the institute of appeals of modern Russia (the formation of the institution of appeals on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and by-laws).
Timofei V. Plotnikov DIFFERENT THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF NEOLOGISMS AND THE PROBLEM OF DEFINING // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №4. - P. 28-35.
The article deals with different theoretical approaches to the study of neologisms. The most important problem in the study of neologisms is that the main definition of neologisms is too generalized, that is why, at least, five different definitions of neologisms exist, depending on the sphere of usage. The main reason of emergence of so many neologisms recently is closely connected with the process of word globalization which reflects new realities. Another reason is that neologisms appear in English due to connection with social movements, because English is actively enriched through vocabulary related to representatives of various professions, social layers, groups and ages. At the present stage, there are various classifications of neologisms, but all of them indicate that neologisms in modern English are mainly associated with the rapid development of information and mobile technologies, achievements in various fields of science.
Zhanna B. Ryzhova, Maria V. Palchikova, Oksana A. Barshova TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF "OMBUDSMAN" DEFINITION IN MODERN LEGAL SOCIETY // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №4. - P. 35-42.
The relevance of the problem under study is due to the increased role of the ombudsman institution in the modern legal society. The aim of the study is to generalize approaches to the concept of "ombudsman" through the prism of modern development trends and the requirements of society to protect fundamental rights and freedoms in the legal space. The leading approach to the study of this problem is the formal legal and historical methods. The study resulted in a collective definition that revealed the essence of the phenomenon under study, and highlighted the main directions of improving the institution of a public official appointed to investigate violation of human rights. These provisions formed the basis of the conclusion on the results of the legal and theoretical framework analysis. The research materials can be used for further study of the ombudsman institution.
Tatyana B. Kurbatskaya, Ekaterina V. Samoilova, Bernhardt Blessing, Nikita V. Kurbatsky RESEARCH OF HUMAN FACTOR INFLUENCE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS OF "LEAN MANUFACTURING" USING THE METHODOLOGY OF LEAN-CERTIFICATION BY M. VADER // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №4. - P. 42-54.
Current trends in the development of business processes indicate the rationalization of automation systems aimed at finding points of production costs and product values origin. The concept of lean manufacturing is becoming increasingly relevant for the non-industrial sector, namely for the theory and practice of management, which allows us to apply its principles for the effective implementation of business automation. Lean manufacturing (lean production, from the English “lean” - lenten, slender, fat-free) is an effective modern management concept aimed at optimizing business processes by maximizing orientation to the interests and needs of customers and markets, as well as taking into account the motivation of each employee. One of the urgent problems is the problem of identifying the characteristics of the human factor influence on the process of introducing this philosophy into the organization. To study the features of the human factor influence on the process of implementing lean manufacturing in an organization, the company's thriftiness was assessed by Lean-certification proposed by Michael Vader. This technique has previously been tested in companies such as “Leadership Excellence International, Inc.”, “Orgprom Institute” and LLC “TMC Group”.
Pavel D. Simashenkov IDEOLOGICAL SURPASSING OF PHILOSOPHY // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №4. - P. 54-62.
The article is devoted to the study of ideological and philosophical components correlation in the worldview formation. According to the author, it is fundamentally important to take for understanding Russian history and culture not speculative, but ideological coordinates as the basis. Ideology as a professed philosophy is incomparably higher than any palliative abstraction. It is necessary not to lower culture to the level of the masses, but to elevate a person to the level of culture, impossible without a cult.
Maria G. Fomina CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO EDUCATION: CONCEPT AND CONTENT // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2019. - №4. - P. 62-65.
In the article, the author made an attempt to analyze the concept of “the right to education”. Despite the fact that at present there is a sufficient number of works by domestic jurists regarding the study of the concept of “the right to education”, the author has expressed her own vision of this definition. As a result of the study, the author makes a logical conclusion that the right to education is one of the basic and fundamental human rights provided for in international legal acts and guaranteed by the constitution of states.