№1 / 2015 download
Valeriy Bykov, Anna Bykova Models of leader’s labour behaviour as manifestation of his culture // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 6-11.
The paper deals with the essence of professional culture of a chief according to personal qualities. The authors give the assessment of level of chief’s professional culture as the way of objectification of his work; describe improvement of management level and effective use of chief’s intellectual and physical resources.
Anna Bystrova Knowledge in the system of culture // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 12-15.
The article looks at correlation of knowledge in different levels, from casual to natural scientific with a general cultural level in society, in the process of decision-making. It shows how scientific and humanitarian knowledge can be liaised. The given formula and scheme substantiate the way of developing an integral worldview.
Bairma Dashidorzhiyeva, Tsypylma Zhimbayeva Features of sociocultural adaptation and identification of modern students (on the example of students of Aginskoe branch of the Buryat state university) // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 16-22.
The paper presents the results of the research, devoted to adaptation of cultural identity of students at theoretical and empirical levels. Relying on the results of the analysis of sociocultural identification of the Buryat people, the authors offer the view on an adaptation problem. The authors concluded that adaptation and identification of students are the main indicators of formation of social interaction competence.
Sesegma Zhimbeeva G.Ts. Tsybikov’s book in Rimay Karma Ling library // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 22-27.
The paper deals with the Buddhist Rimay Karma Ling Institute, its traditions and personalities. Much attention is paid to G.Ts. Tsybikov’s book “A Buddhist pilgrim to the holy places of Tibet”, which the author accidentally found in Rimay Karma Ling Library. The paper is published on the threshold of the Buddhist New Year, which was described in details by G.Ts. Tsybikov in his book.
Marina Ilakavichus Network educational uneven-age community as an environment for development of adult’s personality // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 27-30.
The paper deals with the capacity of network uneven-age community of informal education in creation of conditions for support of personal development of an adult. The author describes eventfulness as the principle of formation of informal educational networks, allowing to support social communications, including to adjust dialogue of generations.
Vladimir Kruglov Some aspects of innovative development of regional economy // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 31-35.
The relevance of the article is determined by the modern technological change in economic development, which is practically impossible without innovation. It is the search for the most effective combination of components of this happening with dynamics at the regional level and dedicated study. During the comparative analysis of applied systemic, integrated and process-based approaches. Provides prognostic factors of sustainable development of territories on the basis of the innovation component. Given the rating processes. Prior art adapted for use in similar territories.
Isabella Krylovskaya Russian intellectuals in history and culture of the South of the Far East of Russia: unknown names from the family chronicle // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 35-40.
The paper deals with the results of studying of circumstances of life of two representatives of the senior generation of the author’s family. Their destiny was directly connected with history and culture of the Far East suburb of Russia – the Vladivostok outpost. Reconstruction of biographies from archival and memoirs sources, it was succeeded to restore earlier unknown pages of history and culture of the South of the Far East of Russia and the Russian abroad.
Tatyana V. Lesina , Eugenia Livskaya The growing role of online english-english learner dictionaries in second language teaching // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 41-46.
The authors reveal the factors which have caused the growing role of online English-English learner dictionaries in second language teaching. The list of dictionaries designed specifically for learners of English is examined. The authors explore their key features an explain the reasons why online English-English dictionaries might become a preferred alternative to dictionaries in print.
Alexey Lobanov New professional standard of a teacher: readiness of teachers in conditions of the modern educational environment of school // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 47-50.
The paper presents the author's position on the question of pedagogical community readiness for introduction of the professional standard of a teacher. There is the experience of pedagogical collective on implementation of innovative projects in the fields of education and upbringing of pupils, health-saving and optimization of quality of their life.
Azamat Mаiemer Program of the applied course "Geography of the Zelenov region of West Kazakhstan oblast" for pupils of the 10th class // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 51-58.
The maintenance of the applied "geography of the Zelenov region of west Kazakhstan oblast" acquaints pupils of the 10th class with geography and history of the native land, allows school students to seize working methods with maps, statistical materials and additional sources of information. This applied course is represented especially actual as arms pupils with knowledge of study of local lore, develops their geographical memory, increases interest in a geography subject, cultivates feeling of participation in historical events of the small homeland. In the applied course "geography of the Zelenov region of west Kazakhstan oblast" methods of geographical researches are used: supervision, cartographical, statistical, comparative, system and historical approach and geoenvironmental monitoring.
Azamat Mаiemer Technique of patriotic education of pupils on regional and local history materials at schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 58-63.
The content of the patriotic education of pupils offered by the author technique regional and local history materials at schools of the republic of Kazakhstan is considered. In it deeper studying of the concrete region of Kazakhstan, which forms at pupils love for the country, the attitude towards natural wealth, is shown.
Irina Bryleva, Svetlana Antipova, Tatiana Vladimirovna Matveichik Digestive diseases in outpatient service // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 63-72.
The article presents the statistical data (morbidity, incidence, mortality and lethality rate) of digestive diseases in the adult working age population of Minsk and older those who are able to work. Increased morbidity and mortality have been noted. A negative effect of alcohol consumption on the morbidity and mortality of the population has been highlighted with an emphasis on alcohol-associated diseases frequency in Minsk. Morbidity and mortality from oncologic diseases are also discussed in the article
Svetlana Novitskaia, Eduard Valchuk, Tatiana Vladimirovna Matveichik On the problems of providing primary medical care to the elderly // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 73-81.
Unprecedentedly increased human lifetime due to advances of medicine changed the directions of healthcare systems activity in different countries. The problems of labour organization, staff, regulatory, legal, methodological and psychological provision and the motivation of the personnel when delivering medical and social care in Belarus are analyzed.
Svetlana Zakharova, Marina Pankina Ecological paradigm of design education for sustainable development // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 82-86.
This article discusses the possibilities of design in the formation of ecological culture of the people. A special role is taken to the design education, because future designers in the course of their study at the university should examine the ethical norms and paradigms of profession, cultural values, ecological culture, realize the social responsibility of the designer. Also this article presents the forms and contents of model ecological component in design education. The paper analyzes the possibilities of design in addressing environmental issues, the need for formation of ecological culture in the process of training designers.
Yuliia Popova Principle of complementarity: from physics to the general parametric systems theory // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 86-91.
The article represents an investigation of complementarity idea as a physical principle introduced by N. Bohr for the description of quantum mechanics objects, and also this idea application in the General Parametric Systems Theory which was developed by A.I. Ujemov and his school. This idea is represented as a principle of dual system descriptions complementarity by the example of deductive and inductive conclusions’ system models. The attributive and relational structures investigation is represented in their interrelationship and complementarity to each other. The transformation of the complementarity physical principle into general scientific and philosophical one is also shown in this work.
Natalia Rozhkova Problems of culture and religion being in Hermann Hesse’s creative heritage // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 92-99.
Problems of entity of culture and specifics of its processes do not lose the relevance due to the increase of crisis phenomena in social and spiritual spheres of society’s life. The crisis of religious outlook, aggravated in the XX century, stimulated thinkers of different countries to understand the value of religion as the factor of development of culture and personality. In the publicistic and art works, Hermann Hesse addresses to problems of culture being and tries to synthesize the importance of religion in life of society, based on reflections about the essence of world religions and different religious ideas and concepts.
Kristina Nilova, Elvina A. Salikhova The types of verbal interactions in the family // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 100-103.
The paper summarizes the data of experiments and observations of the representatives of different generations in family communication. The article presents different orientations in the functioning of the verbal relations – acting, tolerance, not taking into account restrictive and other «vectors» in the communicative space.
Bella V. Sergeeva Preconditions for the development of vocational cognitive activity of future teachers of primary education // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 104-115.
The paper discusses the preconditions for the development of vocational cognitive activity as the basis of competence initial teacher education, which are: Federal state standard of higher professional education and primary education, learner-centered education, individualization of learning (i.e. the creation of individual educational trajectories) and competency-based training approach.
Marina Sitdikova Stereotypeness and formulaic character of a modern student’s speech-verbal behavior // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 115-119.
The article examines the main problems of modern education in Russia: the stereotypeness of thinking, perpetuated by the current format of the unified exam and the transformation of verbal behavior, caused by the strategies of preparation for the USE.
Svetlana L. Suvorova Cross-cultural education in professional training system at pedagogical higher educational institution // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 119-122.
The paper deals with the status of modern foreign-language education and cross-cultural training from positions of a cross-cultural paradigm, which is defined as the necessary condition of formation of the secondary linguistic personality, capable to speech interaction at the cross-cultural level. The main attention is paid to realization of cross-cultural education of specialists in the fields of foreign languages and cultures during professional training at higher educational institution.
Bator Tsydypov History of labor culture and sport of the Aginskoe Buryat autonomous area in system of ethnic-pedagogical education of the Buryats // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 123-127.
The paper is focused on formation of the positive personal qualities of the Buryats during physical education in the framework of the ethnic-pedagogical educational system. Ethnic-pedagogics of the Buryats considers a man as an integral part of nature and society and includes continuous humanitarian, labor and physical education. The main content of ethnic-pedagogical education presents special theses for both men and women.
Mikhail Shchepakin, Nikolay Shumskiy Features of progress of Russian corporate formation in conditions of volatile macroeconomic environment // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2015. - №1. - P. 128-131.
The features of Russian corporate formation progress in the sphere of constantly amplifying influence of world economy globalization and features of its cyclic development are becoming more and more important nowadays. The theory of business cycles significantly dominates in studying of progress processes. The base of the theory is the fundamental law of the investment theory of cycles: laws of investment define phases of industrial cycle. According to the authors, topical issue is studying of corporate formation in conditions of cyclically active environment, within coordination of forward economic development of corporate formation with cycles of global economy progress by means of formation of corporate policy of cyclic fluctuations evening-out.