Modern European Researches

Журнал издается на английском языке раз в три месяца в печатном и электронном виде.

№4 / 2020 скачать

Svetlana A. Kuptsova FUNDAMENTALS OF FOSTERING A CULTURE OF HEALTHY AND SAFE LIFESTYLES FOR STUDENTS // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2020. - №4. - P. 4-8.
The article discusses topical issues of fostering a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle for participants in the educational process, including teachers. At the same time, the culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle is considered as the basis for the organization of safe life, protection and health promotion, which contributes to the prevention of diseases, the formation of a value attitude towards one's own health and the health of others, self-organization of one's own activities, communication, behavior and the possibility of self-realization. The article presents All-Russian and city events aimed at fostering a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle for participants in the educational process, the parameters for analyzing the system of activities of educational institutions used in the educational process, health-saving technologies, as well as the analyzed performance indicators of teachers.
Irina V. Prikhoda SUCCESSFUL DISTANCE LEARNING CONDITIONS IN HIGHER SCHOOL // Modern European Researches. - Salzburg, 2020. - №4. - P. 8-13.
The importance of the problem under study is due to the realities of modern society. This is the rapid development of information technologies, which, penetrating into all processes of modern society, change, modernize and improve it. The use of modern information and communication technologies in the field of education has provided the emergence of a new, different from the traditional form of education - distance learning. Distance learning is a unique opportunity to get higher education, regardless of place of residence, age, social and epidemiological conditions. The purpose of this article is to clarify the conditions under which university students can successfully master the educational material through distance learning. We used a questionnaire method in the study of this problem - a questionnaire survey of students. The article discusses the prerequisites for the emergence of distance learning. The importance and degree of study of this issue are shown. The article describes the results of an empirical study, which was conducted at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy and the Institute of Education and Practical Psychology of the Chelyabinsk State University. Based on the results of the study, the conditions for the successful mastering of educational material in distance learning were identified: technical equipment and information and communication competence of a teacher and a student, the use of a single and accessible service for training, the use of synchronous and asynchronous forms of distance learning, fixed / free class time, the presence of certain personal qualities of students, the ability to communicate with the teacher and increased attention to health.